I've been sick.
I don't mean in a carve-up-puppies-for-Halloween way, either. I have been put in my place by my allergies. This was a full-on assault on my body, though I tried in vain to continue my meager workout routine, my little body finally gave in and I was forced to submit. I stayed home crying and moping about for the last two days. Though I do feel better today, I am skeptical about the prospect of feeling like conquering the world anytime soon.
This always seems to happen when I have been working for a while. Suddenly, I have some time off and my body thinks it's being clever by taking advantage of the opportunity to kick my ass. I always say it is allergies, even if it's not. I don't like the idea of a viral infection one bit. Some nasty ass little germ traveling from someone's grody lungs into the air and finally being swallowed up into mine, that disgusts me. I much prefer the idea of some nasty ass little germ traveling from a mold spore or a freaking flower, into me. Don't ask me why...
So, having spent several days as a chewtoy of the gods, I am now ready to fight back. I emerged from my bed (after 12 quality hours, thank you Cherry NyQuil!) to find that the day is not so fucking ugly and I need to feel better. Perhaps I may even do a little yoga or some such activity... I certainly hope that the worst of it is over. I am a mean sick person. Anyway, here is a little word problem for you:
If I had a monkey and you were allergic to it, I would probably not get rid of it. I just wouldn't date you because monkeys are expensive. But I don't have a monkey, so what's the fucking problem?
Glad you're almost out of the crying and moping phase and feeling better.
Everybody's got something to hide except for me and my monkey.
Nyquil is the stuff isn't it? The only way to get through "allergies" is unconsious, and nyquil def helps you acheive that.
Try the dayquil capsules if you have to work and still feeling like hell. They are awesome.
I hope you are feelin a LOT better soon *huggles*
Feel better, Saviour. I gave your word problem to my monkey, who was always better at logic, but he got pissed off & left. So now I don't have an answer *or* a monkey. Probably better that way.
Thank you all.... I am feeling much better now.
Does this make us your chewtoy?
Get well, SO.
And the monkey appears to be at rest...
Allergies are the problem and I have them bad now too.
Let's kill the monkey. People will cry and then buy stuff. It's good for the economy.
Not so good for the monkey.
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