Our final day of shooting took place on a sound stage in Hollywood on Sunday. Our set was built next door to the set of the new Lindsay Lohan movie, Georgia Rule, which wouldn't be a problem except for the fact that our own diva, Paris Hilton, and Miss Lohan have a rather sour relationship. Luckily for everyone, their bodyguards played football together and now do their best to keep their respective clients away from each other. I saw Lindsay on Saturday at the commissary catching some rays on the patio. This was just days after a scathing letter surfaced, basically saying if Lindsay didn't show up on time, she'd be fired. Needless to say, LL looked less than thrilled to be there.
When Paris finally arrived, there was no drama. The divas were oblivious to the fact that they were so close to each other.
Now, the latest Paris news has her taking a one year vow of celibacy. (Which shouldn't be that hard, since she says she's only slept with two guys... One of which, she made a video of. I wonder who the other one was?) Maybe she just meant two guys at a time, anyway, that's trashy gossip and I am here to talk about the facts. What really happened.... True dirt... Well, they shot her scenes and everyone was really happy, despite the fact that the whitest kittens we could find were tabbies. It all worked out perfectly and Paris retired to her dressing room after the shoot was over. Here is where it gets interesting...

Even though previous posts claim that she and I are close friends, it just isn't the case. Although, my general feelings for and about her have been drifting towards a melancholy acceptance. Her manager said that he would ask her and a few minutes later, I was summoned into the dressing room for an audience with the Queen of Reality TV/Hotel Heiress Paris Hilton. This was a highly surreal moment for me. Paris sat in her makeup chair admiring her reflection as I approached.
"Hi Paris..." I said, shyly. "I did this painting of you, it's not a very good likeness. I thought you might like to see it." She took the painting from me and admired her reflection.
"Oh, how sweet!" Paris cooed. "It is for me?"
"If you like it, I would love for you to have it."
"I do like it." Several of her assistants had gathered around to see what the fuss what about. They all seemed to agree. I asked for an autograph and photo, in exchange for the painting.
"Does that sound fair?" Paris nodded and stood, still holding the artwork.
"It's the Carl's Jr. thing," she commented. "And it even has Tink."
Her manager volunteered to take the photo. Paris slid her hand around me and pulled me close. I was still reeling from the latent Carl's Jr. comment when the camera flashed. As a result, my eyeline is off. I am thinking: This is weird.

"Think about it," she said. "Paris can have anything she wants, but it's hand-made stuff like your painting that mean the most and you gave it to her because you love her. She totally dug it." I coughed a little when she said that I loved Paris. I suppose she was right, though. That is not the kind of thing that money can buy. I feel bad that I didn't try harder to make it look more like she really is. Several people have suggested to me that I shouldn't have given it to her, but sold it to her. For some reason, that just doesn't seem right.

My Paris Hilton experience was short and sweet. She really is a nice person and I will have a hard time dissing her from now on. She's just a girl who owns one of my paintings and half the hotels in the world. I think she might even own a little piece of my heart.
And she spelled her name right on her signature. Sounds like a very cool experience for you Saviour. Now you've got to get Jesse Metcalf and Brad Pitt in a dressing room and see what happens! Way to go.
My thoughts exactly...
:) That is an awesome Story SO! I love that she has your painting.
I'm really glad, too. I have only given away a few paintings. Holly has one and now Paris Hilton has one, too. I think I might be getting to a place where I am more willing to let some more of them go. They really are like children to me. They need good homes.
Paris Hilton & Saviour Onassis.
There's a nice ring to that.
I *love* the fact that she's holding your painting in that photo. It really works for me.
I love Paris, I want to be her, I want to be her BFF, I want to party like her and be uber fabulous.
Ohh wait, I am already uber fabulous...
Well anyways I want to have a closet like hers and have a record like hers and make a cute B and W video like hers and also have my own show like hers.
That is SO COOL. And I don't even like Paris Hilton. Maybe she irks me a little less right now ...
It's strange because I never really liked Paris before either. She was just another in a long line of celebrities who really have nothing to contribute to society.
Ironically, that painting was done as a canonization of materialism. A pop culture time capsule, commenting on the ridiculousness of someone like Paris Hilton pimping cheeseburgers while in a wet bikini.
That's my green room fantasy...
SAVIOUR!! What an amazing story!! That's INCREDIBLE! I love it!! Yay, Saviour Onassis!! Yay, yay yay!
i'm more impressed with the fact you're wearing a samantha fox t-shirt, haha.
You humanized her. Think of all she has and know that she's got a piece of you among all her other riches.
Barista Brat, thanks. I think that's my favorite article of clothing ever. It seems to provoke the most commentary. Naughty girls need love, too.
She's just a girl who owns one of my paintings and half the hotels in the world. I think she might even own a little piece of my heart.
What a great conclusion.
And I also noticed the Sam Fox t-shirt right away.
I wear it and people notice. Maybe I need to rethink my look again.
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