I had no idea, for the longest time, that Details was a gay magazine. It's not an out and out "gay" mag, but as a friend pointed out to me, it pretty fucking gay. Augusten Burroughs writes for it from time to time and every issue ends with the "Gay or __________" segment. I don't really know why I am mentioning this.
I suppose it stems from a giant argument I had with JR last night about Caravaggio versus Rembrandt. It started with me explaining that this painting I did of Jesse Metcalf was inspired by the chiaroscuro works of Caravaggio. JR saw only Rembrandt and I took great offense to that. I guess there are worse things than having your work compared to Rembrandt, but I was not having it.
My job requires immense attention to details. Very boring details, often times, yet I dutifully pay attention to them. I don't know if it is God or the Devil that reveals itself in the details, but I am sure that it is a power from another level. Isn't it the strange and beautiful details that tend to capture our collective imaginations? Dale seems to be aware of this. I wish that we could all frolic a little more "in the follow through" from time to time.
I regret that I cannot always turn lead into gold. I am a bad alchemist, sometimes. When the wind blows this hard, I can't always make out the words.
Listening tends to throw off my equilibrium. And yet, here I am, stuck in the details...
I have no idea what you're talking about. Boring.
Sorry that I bore you, Dale.
Of course you don't. It was those boring details you were talking about silly. You're strange, beautiful and detailed as a fine Saviour should be.
details schmetails.
or is that not the point... ?
I used to read Details. Back in early to mid 90s when this lady named Ana, or Anya or Anika wrote a sex column in it. She was great!
Rembrandt, wow. The only artist my work has ever been compared to is Basquiat *giggle* and Vieh insisted it was a compliment tho I didnt see it at the time. Her work reminds me of a combination of Van Gogh, Chagall and a local artist named ManWoman (i used to webmaster his website and was best friends with his daughter) I love all of your paintings Sav!
As for details, ug, I'm too A.D.D. to pay attention. It's not a good thing!
For reasons I cannot identify, reading this made me burst into tears.
Caravaggio. He is one of my favorite painters. Isn't admiration for him one of the things we bonded over?
For reasons I cannot identify... God, I love you Holly.
Yes, we have bonded over many a beautiful thing.
To everyone else: There is a reason, easily identified, that it is called paying attention. How expensive am I?
I love your paintings, Saviour.
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