Saturday, August 12, 2006

Life Springs Eternal

I had a horrible night. Just tragic...

Yes, I made some poor choices.

But when allegiances were challenged, I lost.

I won't be going out again anytime soon.

My heart can't take it.

I had a really bad asmtha attack this morning while cleaning up the shit and vomit.

I feel too fragile for this world.

That's all.


Dale said...

Chin up, if my headache cleared, so might your heart although it will take longer no doubt.

My word verification is PNFUL (painful?)

Saviour Onassis said...

Thanks Dale.

mellowlee said...


nouseforaname said...

Grab the inhaler, stand up straight and suck it up... You will live to see another day...

nouseforaname said...

Grab the inhaler, stand up straight and suck it up... You will live to see another day...

Saviour Onassis said...

Thanks Shroom. I usually follow advice that includes the word "suck."